55 yr old male with known ETOH and tobacco abuse and chronic hepatitis. Colonoscopy reveals mucinous adenocarcinoma. Surgical colectomy completed, staging T2N1MO. Oncologist recommends FOLFOX regimen with Erbitux . What is the greatest concern for pt with this regimen? 1. he will need to wear infusion pump for 48 hrs 2. he has elevated liver enzymes 3. he may develop mouth sores and diarrhea or 4. he will nee a port placed fro continuous infusion. I want to say 3..but would like your thoughts. Thanks, 2nd Question: Which is the most cardiotoxic monoclonal antibodies? 1. cetuximab, alemtuzumab, bevacizumab, or trastuzumab? I think it is Trastuzuma