Hello Doctor, I had STD ,last year and got it treated,within some months i had to go urine and had to look into the sperm duct and saw a sore,which i was scared and didnt tell anyone at first,later i was feeling internal itch ,which i had to use the normal antibiotic which only stopped the itch and not healed the sore in there,So i told a friend who told me to try agumentin which i did,I felt relief but not sure if the sore healed,so i had sex again,but i felt pains again,My friend told me to go get get another agumetin and use for a week,I need to know if there is any stronger antibiotic i could use,i read about drugs like Doxycycline , trimethoprim , levaquin ..Pls i needto get rid of this epididymits because i am scared it could lead to somethin else.. Thanks.