Thanks for contacting with your health concern
Schizophrenia is one of the most complex psychiatric disorder and because remission and exacerbation are recurrent thus treatment is quite long-standing, so along with medicine, nutritional strategies, the best treatment is
Psychotherapy because we have to address the psychic aspect of the patient.
PS. As foot drop is a
neuromuscular disorder, it is not actually a disease but symptom of the underlying medical problem thus consultation with a
Neurologist and/or
second opinion with a
General surgeon is mandatory [to perform tests to exclude causes of foot drop since it can range from neuromuscular causes to damage/injury to the nerve.
2. As MTHFRc677t is discovered: it has the biggest effect on the homocysteine levels in the blood [and so is in him] and elevated levels of homocysteine is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.
PS. check with folate levels regularly
3. There is no single test to diagnose or rule out other possibilities, only regular follow up with your
psychiatrist will help him decide about other relevant examination and investigations needed.
4. The best time to detoxify the body is Spring season thus [March, April, May] is the best time when nature itself is rejuvenating and so will the human body, and if he is comfortable follow the detoxifying regime:
- Avoid junk food, cheese, yogurt, oily/fried/raw food, refined sugar, honey, bread, environmental pollutants like non-organic foods.
. Do not skip breakfast and take lunch between 12 -1 PM which is the peak period of Pitta (responsible for digestion) and have dinner 2 hours before sleeping.
. Avoid overeating.
. Take easily light digestible items like buttermilk, soups, organic vegetables, and fruits/spices which have detoxifying properties like papaya, apple, pineapple, pears, rice water, ginger, turmeric, fenugreek seeds, and make sure to maintain hydration.
. Lifestyle Management:
. Regularise sleep timing: 10 PM to 6 AM
. Regular exercise: i.e. Yogasana & Pranayam [breathing exercise] to clean body channels/respiratory organs along with walking in fresh air
. Daily Massage followed by warm bath/shower is necessary.