It would be helpful if you can brief more reports in terms of
PCOS and
THYROID profile. In regard your question if there is permanent cure to PCOS, is a difficult one to answer, since ayurvedic medicine can get you so far as to be asymptomatic. That is regular periods and absence of PCOS symptoms.
If alternate medicine is what you are looking for i would recommend you the following-
Kumaryasava (Kottakal or Ayurvaidyashala pharmacy) - 3tsp - thrice a day- after food (without mixing water. however you can consume water after the intake of syrup)
M2Tone syrup (Charak Pharmaceuticals) - 3tsp - thrice a day- after food
Kanchanara Guggulu (Kottakal or Ayurvaidyashala) - 2 tab - three times - after food.
This above prescription is aimed at two things
1. To regulate your periods
2. To get the PCOS to a stage where it ceases to give you any symptoms.
Note : - Since you have a history of PCOS for 4 years now you may have to continue the same for about 2 menstrual cycle minimum after the intake of this medicine to draft a report about your progress. Also to device the average time span you may require to take it on the whole.
Also your weight seems to be a little on the lower side in comparison to your height. Another couple of kg s should be no harm, though it is important to maintain it so.
Some of the
yoga poses recommended -
Suryanamaskar (For both thyroid and PCOS)
prasrita padottasana
Nishpanda bhava with shavasana (concentration on the
uterus and its appendages)
While performing yoga make sure you are concentrating on your breathing. You may enroll into a yoga class or simply follow authentic yoga classes on youtube. Please make sure you are on at least 2 hours empty stomach for an effective yoga session.
Ujjai (Both PCOS and Thyroid)
Anulom vilom
I hope this was helpful. Have a great day.