Yes it could be an HPV virus infection on your scrotum.
HPV infection can cause genital warts and some cancers in the anogenital region.They are transmitted through sexual contact.
Condoms do not protect from the virus because the areas around the genitals including the inner thigh area are not covered, thus exposing these areas to the infected person?s skin.
There is currently no cure or treatment for HPV infection. However, the viral infection, more often than not, clears by itself..
If left untreated, genital warts might go away, remain unchanged, or increase in size or number.
It is thought that the immune system fights off HPV naturally. It is only when HPV stays in the body for many years that it can cause anogenital cancers. It is not known why HPV goes away in most, but not all cases. There is no way to know which people will go on to develop cancer or other health problems.
The first course of action for many people with genital warts is topical medications. This type of treatment comes in either a gel or cream form and usually works by attacking and breaking down the wart tissue.
Podophyllin is a particularly strong topical medication that needs to be applied at the doctor's office. However, this is an older type of treatment and is not as widely used nowadays.
For those looking for some genital warts home treatment, you can ask your doctor to prescribe either
podofilox (
Condylox) or
imiquimod (Aldara). Both of these topical medications you can apply yourself at home. However, if you are pregnant, it is not recommended that you use either podophyllin or podofilox as both can be absorbed by your skin and possibly cause birth defects in your child. Additionally, Aldara is designed to be used only on external genital warts.
It is also important to note that there is a difference between genital warts and regular warts. The strains of HPV that cause genital warts are different from those strains that cause warts on other parts of your body. Moreover, genital warts appear on areas of your body that are much more sensitive. Therefore, you should never use regular, over-the-counter wart treatments for genital warts.
How to Remove Genital Warts
Although topical medications are fairly simple and painless to use, they do require regular daily applications for a number of weeks. If you prefer to have your genital warts removed quickly, then you have a few options.
For small genital warts, your doctor can remove them through:
Cryosurgery (freezing them off)
* Electrocautery (burning them off
* Trichloracetic Acid (TCA)
All of these genital wart removal treatments can be done in your doctor's office.
Genital warts that are especially large and hard to remove may need to be surgically removed through
laser surgery. This type of treatment, though, will require you to go to a trained specialist. Additionally, laser surgery tends to be the most expensive treatment for genital warts.
Even if you have received genital warts treatment for your warts, it is still entirely possible for them to return, facilitating the need for repeat treatment.