Hi Doctor, My baby was born on 13-12-2012 in the evening 3.45, and she was good at that time, on that day night about 11 o clock, she vomited some fluids in a white color( saliva ), then the Nurse put a suction and then showed me the fluid in a tray, next day morning my baby vomited a few drop in a brownish red color(stain color), the we call pediatrician , he used suction technique to remove the impurities from stomach. at that time baby vomited blood, they told us to move to some other medical institution. we did , they did all kind of test related to blood, report says its good, then bleed stops on that day. they gave vitamin k and antibiotics , baby is ok now, my question is now her stool in a greenish black(grey) color..? can you explain please