white patches in face as well as pin point white patches on whole body hello m 26year old female,from past 8months m suffering 4m white pigmentation,it 1st appeared on face...near lips..i belong to lucknow but 4 further studies moved to gujrat..i never met such kind of problem earlier nor my family have such problem..after moving gujrat have seen patches..patch was almond in shape..in nov i have contacted dermatologist in lucknow..he diagnosed it LEFT SEGMENTED VITILIGO ..he gave medicine named QUON n ANTIOXIDANT n after taking quon med he asked me to expose the affected area to sun,,afer 2months that white spot disappeared....but started emerging....Now ihve another white spot on my right cheek near my lips,,in hands,,,in back..insted of taking medicine..doct plz help me out 4m dis problem,m very upset....does dis pigmentation cover all my body???????????DOC M VERY UPSET ,,,JUST FEELING TO END MY LIFE,M BROKEN..HELP ME