Hi , in my opinion you are suffering from chronic cinfection of your larynx with
Bronchitis usually takes mora than 2 weeks to reduce.
upper respiratory infection usually cause fluid to accumulate in the ear, this may cause ear block, reduced hearing, vertigo.
If a patient with this symptoms come to my clinic, I would prescribe.
Steroid nebulisation every 6 th hourly for 3 to 5 days.
Steroid tablet for 1 week, with cough suppresant drugs like dexteomethrophan.
Chest pain is because of spasm of respiratory muscles.
I would prescribe some pain killere
diclofenac for chest pain.
I would also get the ear checked for fluid accumulation, if it there then I would ask the patient to get an audiological test like
tympanometry done to detect the middle ear status.
I would advise the patient to get his fliud removed by a small surgical procedure in ear.
In case with all this treatment the cough persists, then I would advise blood counts, chest x ray, ct csan of thorax and evaluate the patient according to the report