Hello! Dubagest contains
progesterone as an active ingredient. Progesterone is a sexual hormone. It stimulates changes in vagina and uterus, and is especially important during pregnany. It is indicated for recurrent abortions,
amenorrhea and irregular menstrual bleeding. Beta hcg in months 2-3 of pregnancy may vary from 10000 to 100000. Maybe your doctor want to be sure that progesterone is going to make the necessary changes in uterus to obtain a friendly environment for the embrion and than for the fetus, since your bhcg levels are normal, but almost at the lowest rate. In addition if you have had previous misscarriges, progesterone is routinely used.
It may have different side effects. The most common are headache, dizzines,
abdominal pain, breast tenderness and pain, depression etc. It is contraindicated in patients, that have had history of
breast cancer, liver disease, history of
thrombophlebitis (peripheral vessels tromboembolic events).
I hope i have been of help.