hello doc,i am 14 weeks pregnant and all my reports show normal pregnancy .i ve got a miscarriage one year back because of tb infection,after that i ve taken 6months treatment of that.Now my doc, says no complications seen this time but she has prescribed total bed rest,i am allowed to go to washroom only otherwise i stay on bed all the time.i feel totally fed up of my condition and feel like crying all the time,it s been 3 months i am stayin like that.i live on 1st floor and want to go out just once for 2-3 hrs and thats for my cousin s wedding nearby my house but my doc, has not allowed me for that also and all reports are absolutely normal even then my doc. has prescribed bed rest for 3 more months,my sonography has also been done at home and it shows normal pregnancy,i just want 2 know can i go out once? is there any harm?plz help me i feel totally helpless,your reply will help me a lot.