Hi Snehal,
The kind of pain that you mention could be due to
renal calculi, since the
appendix has already been removed. It could also be due to inguinal hernia, as you feel the pressure more while standing.
sciatica also needs to be ruled out.
As regards the appendectomy- was it planned or was it an emergency surgery? Also have you visited your surgeon once the pains increased?
As regards the motions, has the frequency increased post the surgery?
According to be the past history of ligamental injury. does not seem to be related to the current complaints.
Do not be so stressed out or feel misguided, as stress or thinking about the complaints too much is going to make matters worse rather than helping.
I would suggest you to go and meet your surgeon and get an xray of the pelvic region done to rule out a calculi. If all the investigations turn out normal, or even if there is a calculi, visit a
homeopath for a detailed examination and case history who would surely help you out.
Keep me informed about your progress!!!!