Hi i am 36 year old and two kids i have,i am on thyroxine since i was 10 year, but from 5 days i am feeling dizziness in morning and while sleeping to change my postion,i had throat infection so i had short course of intibotic after tht again it happened so doc change medicine and tht day i went to emergency thy gave one medicine through drip thy had done blood test and ECG also Chest XRAY every thing was ok but my hemoglobin is low its 9 thy gave iron tablets actually the problem i am facing is dizziness in morning whn i turn my selef i feel all round round its happen after emergency i came back from next morning still its 5th day i feel dizziness in morning changing my postion i am very worried about it i have two kids very difficult for me ,now i am started my intibotic and iron from three days , dentist also had removed my wisdom tooth few days before.but dizziness started after emergency treatment plz let me know wats the problem of dizziness with me.THANX.