Just since this June I have been experiencing some problems with what seems to be TMJD. I get pressure in the side of my jaw when chewing, talking, or anxious. I have flare ups, sometimes its better depending on what I have been eating. I'm very confused because I've been getting a lot of different opinions. My gerneral dentist told me that there isn't much that can be done other than monitoring what I eat, taking anti-inflammatory, using a night guard, and using heat. An orthodontist told me (at the consultation) that my bite is off and it was causing my TMD issue because it is making the muscle flex constantly because of being out of allignment. He told me that I need Orthognathic surgery to split and widen my upper jaw before he will consider putting braces on me. An oral surgeon I went to said that I should not have surgey because it could make it worse and he doesn't detect a joint problem and told me that braces would not help. Im so confused now, any imput would be appreciated. Im not concerned with getting braces or fixing my bite unless it would help the TMJ/D. Im a little concerned about having such a major surgery if there is a possibility I will still have the TMD or worse problems yet, I have a two year old. Could pulling teeth possibly help anything? Thank you for your time.