Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
Normal chest
x ray is taken in posteroanterior view (PA view). In this view, lung apex (upper part) is not clearly visualized because of overlapping ribs,
clavicle and lung shadows.
So any opacity or lesion in apex is not properly visualized in normal PA view.
So exact opinion about the etiology is not possible.
To overcome this issue apicolordotic view is needed.
In this, chest x ray is taken in such a way that apex of th lung is clearly visualized without hindrance of ribsribs and clavicle shadow.
Since you are having right apex ill defined densities, apicolordotic view is demanded by
radiologist for proper reporting and diagnosis.
You are also having bilateral lower zone infiltrates, so possibility of bilateral lower zone
pneumonia (
lung infection) is more.
Get done apicolordotic view for diagnosis of right apex ill defined densities.
Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.