my doctor has advised to take susten 300,duphaston , doxinate, and macfolate for 10 days each . Plus injections of Aq system 25 for 10 days each. and also a blood test and urine test.This is my 2nd pregnancy in this year details are as follows Lmp 19th May 2017,pregnancy confirmed on 18th June ,first prenatal visit 21st June2017 .my age is 30. blood group B-. Pregnancy continuing with mild abdominal cramps for few sec any time of the day or May be night. periods were always regular.Apart from it no problem in pregnancy. 1st pregnancy Lmp was 26th Dec2016, 20th Feb 2017 was miscarriage.normal periods after miscarriage. I just want to confirm that if I m having no trouble in hormones for conceiving baby then why this all medicines and injection are recommended to me that too my blood test report and urine report are pending.Will get report tomorrow.please help .