I am a 27-year-old woman. I am morbidly obese (BMI 61; 5'9'' 416 lb), not pregnant nor in a sexual relationship, not diabetic (last A1C 5.4 on 4 November 2013), and I have not recently been out of the country. My cholesterol is also good (Total LDL 120, Total HDL 59, Total VLDL 19, Triglycerides 121, Lp(a) 5, Apo B 96, Apo AI 162--all measured mg/dL; VAP from 14 September 2013).
I track my vitals daily and my average BP is 118/67 (Omron BP760) and my average temperature is 99.7F. Right now my temperature is 101.7F (axillary) or 101.4 (oral). My BP is 118/78 and my pulse is 82.
Here is my problem:
That temperature of 101.7 has been pretty consistent now for almost a month. I have been stuck between 100-103F for a month (max temp was 102.8 4 days ago). I have some other symptoms but I don't know if they are at all related. I have been getting headaches almost daily (front and sides; last for 1-5 hours usually; onset can be any time of day), my eyes have been burning--I am not dehydrated as I drink about 1.5 GAL of water every day. When my cat walks on me I have started to feel pain where he steps and I haven't before unless he stepped on my breast with all of his weight. My legs and abdomen seem to particularly sensitive to this. I have also had some neuro issues. I have been forgetting things I don't usually forget, e.g., debit card number, account number, phone numbers. I am not thinking as clearly as I am used to and I am finding it difficult to focus sometimes. I was in the restroom at work a few days ago and got suddenly dizzy and almost fell but saved myself against the sink counter.
I don't have medical insurance. I cannot afford a bunch of tests.
What's possibly wrong with me and what can I do about it?