Hello. I am a 44 year old woman, 5' tall and weigh 180lbs. 15 yars ago I gained 4 stone after the birth of my forth child, despite feeding her for 11 months. I have had trouble shifting the weight ever since. I have been following the weight watchers plan for 5 months and lost 21 lbs. I exercise by doing zumba up to 5 times a week. I also do a little bit of Kettlebell. I try to walk over 10,000 steps daily.My issue is that over the past 15 years my hips have slowly been getting more painful and stiffer, and recently my knees ebows and sometimes shoulders hurt too. The most annoying thing is how tender they become to touch, so I find myself wincing when my skirt brushes against the tender spot. Any Clues as to what is going on.