Why Is My Throat Sore On The Left Side Near My Adams Apple?
Sore throat on the left side near my adams apple. Tough to swallow food and drinks. Got tested yesterday for strep, and it came out negaitve. The doctor said it was a bad cold. But i have never had a cold this painful. I have a little bit of a fever, a little over 100. And now im spitting up blood. Do you have any idea how to treat this?
You can have respiratory infection like bronchitis along with sore throat.... It could be viral or bacterial infection.
In bronchitis spitting of blood in sputum can occur ..
Here along with antibiotic coverage symptomatic management done... Drink lots of water... Steam inhalation also helpful. To relieve congestion antihistaminic drug can be taken.... Turmeric root powder one tsp in hot milk cup taken that is good for respi infection.
If posterior pharyngeal swelling more then short course steroid taken....