patient was admmitted with above complaints. all necessary investigations were done and managed conservatively.MRI brain showed acute infract in right corona radiata.chronic lacunar infarcts in pons,right thalmus,right lentiform nucleus and right corona radiata.USG abdomen showed solitary GB calculus.UGI endoscopy showed chronic active DU with duodenal stensosis pan gastriti with small pyloric ulcer.Grade B Erosive oesophagitis..bloodreports showed increased total bilirubin level.Gastroenterology consultation was taken for increasing total bilrubin ans was advised barium meal which was showed mild fold thickening stomach S/o gastritis.short segment stricture in post bulbar duodenum.patient was treated with LMWH,antihypertensives,antidiabetics,neurotropic agents and other supportive measures
my dad was advised to take the following medicines at the time of discharge can please help me by telling which medicine is advised by for what purpose
1. tab . Pan 40mg 1-0-0 . strocit 500mg 1-0-1
3. tab A to Z 1-0-0
4. tab LOSAR 25mg 1-0-0
5. tab clodrel 75mg 1-0-0 Ulcikit 000-000 * 5days Amaryl 2mg 0-1(before lunch)-0
8.TAB strovas 10mg 0-0-1
9.syrp SUCRALFATE 10ML thrice daily 1 month.
please tell me detail why each medicine is used and when the dosage should be taken is it before meal or after..
IS Pan40mg and pantodoc 40mg are the same medcines..