Hi, My wife has the above symptoms. She didn't want to post anything but I figure.. hey.. nothing too lose at this point.
O.k. She has had a good work up from her Dr. and Coronary Specialist. Thallium test(spelling?), Cornary CTA and so far negitive from any obvious symptoms, EKG'S. Cholesterol is good etc.. all looks good. Not much stress in her life right now and only works part time.
She doesn't have pain when she exercises (fast walking).. just when she relax's ... not every time.. just once in awhile. The pain in the jaw left arm etc.. so I have too be concerned.. besides... yea... *here it comes... no snuggly in the bed while she is having problems so it is better for all of us...( that means me)... that we get this resolved so I am looking for any thoughts that you may have that we can research.
We are learning as we go and just trying to gather info. so we can make better decisions about future treatment decisions.
Oh yea, she is 42, a bit overweight, tires easily and no obvious problems in tests or blood test etc...