Hi, My name is Bala. I took my dad (65 yrs) to hospital because he was gettig hiccups non-stop and pain in the chest . Doctor took ECG and found some differences in it. He was admitted ot ICCU for a day and they did tests like Prop T, Heparin and other blood tests. All the tests are negative, but the ECG is still not good. Doctor there suggested to go for C Angio. When we consulted another doctor, he suggested us to go for CT Angio first because it is simple and can give us good information. With that information we can decide to go for C angio or not. Need your suggestion, how much CT angio will help us to find the blocking? What should be our next steps. Actually we went for CT angio, but my dad had big (44 to 98) variation in the heart beat, so could not perform the test. My dad does not have any pain now and he looks pefect. Thank you in advance for suggestion.