Hello dear
I understand your concern
Ikacolin contain clomfene citrate and it help in maturation of follicle, induce ovulation by increasing FSH and LH hormone.
If you have normal period, normal
ovarian follicle study, patent ovarian follicle study then there is high chance of
You should take treatment under advise of gynecologist and regular monitoring by USG scan is required.
You can also ask for
progesterone pill after ovulation: It support
implantation and early pregnancy.
If maturation of follicle and ovulation will not occur then FSH and HCG shot can be useful
Tablet ovacare for maintaining reproductive health and decrease
insulin resistance
Avoid stress, take healthy diet, drink plenty of water, do regular exercise and maintain body weight according to normal BMI.
Hope this may help you
Contact further if follow up needed
Best regards
Dr. Sagar