You are having fever from last from last 17 days and after use of cofiget and enoxabid 400 mg , still fever present .
In my opinion this fever may be due to these possibilities , these includes.
Tuberculosis , as this is the most common cause of fever . Diagnosis can be confirmed by
x RAY chest and blood for C B C& E S R .
Jaundice may be the next reason of this fever , diagnosis can be confirmed by serum
bilirubin examination as well as S G O T & S G PT .
Typhoid fever , resistant case , in my opinion the complete course of typhoid fever is only 2-4 weeks and from day one usually patient responds to treatment ,but in your case still fever present , so consult one more physician and get his opinion ( 2nd).
There are so many other reasons of fever but it is very difficult to establish diagnosis only by this report as mentioned in this query.
Good luck.