My 13 year old son developed a rash on his scrotum during football season that began to look whitish and strange, so we went to the Pediatrician, who diagnosed it as either a staph or strep infection and prescribed him Clyndamycin (spelling?). The infection/rash went away, but then several weeks later, began to reappear. We went back and were informed that we had caught it earlier and that it did not appear to have developed into an infection, and we were told to have him take bleach baths for 30 min per day, which we had him do for a few weeks. Now, we are in winter swim season, which we thought would take care of the need for daily bleach baths. However, every few days, if we do not keep up with bleach baths, the rash tries to reappear - always in the same spot. What should we do? Will he have to take bleach baths forever?