Thanks for your question.
After going through your question, I can understand your concern.
As you have underwent Stenting post
myocardial infarction (
heart attack) certain medicines you have to take compulsory as you have been prescribed.
1) Metosartan which contain
- Metoprolol which is a
Beta blocker which is important in keeping heart rate & BP under control, decreases oxygen demand of heart.
- Losartan: It is a
angiotensin receptor blocker important in prevention of remodeling of heart after heart attack, also keep blood pressure under control.
2) Tonact or Rozat:
- These are lipid lowering medicines of same class - Statin.
- Tonact contain
atorvastatin and Rozat contain rosuvastatin.
- You should take only one of two not both together.
- It help in keeping bad cholesterol and
inflammatory markers under control after heart attack.
3) Prasita:
- It contain Prasugrel.
- It is a anti-platelet which prevent unusual clotting of blood.
- It is most important in keeping the stent patent and reduce future risk of heart attack.
Regarding your mood swing, it may be due to use of statins in high dose as you are taking both Atorvastatin and rosuvastatin together.
Atorvastatin dose of 80 mg is maximal dose used in practice which is used in resistant cases of dyslipidemia or few days after heart attack.
You should check your
Lipid profile and consult your cardiologist to optimize dose of statin.
Hope this helps you, if so do vote.