Hi, welcome to our site. I am Dr Saumya Mittal.
Read your query. That is a very significant question and i appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query
Do understand medicines are external agents.
Anything you eat, sometimes even food, is an external agent, and has the possibility of causing problems and side effects.
diabetes, the question is not that the medicine has side effects or not, the question is which is more important, controlling sugars or looking at side effects.
I cannot tell you whether the combination advised is right, cause I have no idea about your sugar levels from that query. I would suggest you add the reports of FBS, PPBS, HbA1C and
Lipid profile, before I can give you a more definitive answer about that.
If you want to know about the possible side effects, there is a huge list of possible side effects like
weight loss, dyselectrolytemia,
kidney dysfunction,
lactic acidosis, abdominal discomfort. The list can go on. But as I said before its more important to control sugars then to think about side effects.
You can also talk to your doctor about starting
insulin. Thats probably the best medicine to start for diabetes, and with 3 drugs being given, I am assuming your sugars are sort of high, and could justify use of insulin.
I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above so i can be of help further. Best of luck.
I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you.
Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination.
Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further.
(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)