Hello. I have a substantial amount of evidence that
oxyelite pro should not be taken based on its past history of
liver failure, heart attacks, reformulations, contamination with pharmaceutical drugs then putting back a banned chemical under the name geranium. . .anything to make one think the DMAA was safe.
No, do not take the chance on that. However, green coffee has shown wonderful effects on peeling off fat. You might want to try that.
You have reached a plateau. Go to my site at http://www.virtualnutritionalsynergy.com, click on Blog and there is my article on Twelve Ways to Break a
Weight Loss Plateau. You may find helpful and free suggestions there.
I am also available for a complete weight loss program if you write me directly and include as much info as possible (meds, diagnosis,labs,ht,wt.,age all in one query).
Good luck. Regards, Kathryn Shattler, MS,RDN