The neurosurgeons will be likely trying to evacuate the blood which had leaked or collected in his brain. Unfortunately, there is really no way for me to predict with any certainty what sorts of complications may occur. I'm sure the neurosurgeons must've spoken with someone in the family before going in. They would've likely given you an idea of just how much risk there would be with complicatons....obviously, we are talking about neurosurgery so that in and of itself carries risk. However, if the blood was collected or the clot was sitting relatively close to the surface then, usually all the surgeons need to do is drill a small burr hole or 2 in the skull and it is fairly straight forward to siphon the clot out without trouching the brain. But if the blood clot is not on the surface then, things become trickier and evacuation of the clot means having to physically move some brain tissue aside. Obviously, that could mean some type of unintentional damage in order to get a clot which if left in place would cause even more damage. Therefore, the surgeons would have to make some type of decision of leaving the clot where it is vs. taking it out and risking some slight potential damage.
The reason he seemed fine 3 weeks ago is because he has what is probably termed a
SUBDURAL HEMATOMA. This is a collection of blood which grows very slowly underneath the covering of the brain and as it slowly collects it applies pressure against the brain which tend to cause a person to become slowly more and more disoriented or confused. That should get better after surgery.
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