Hi jeremy,
After reading your query i am not clear whether pain and swelling is on the side where wisdom tooth was removed or its the new place.
Anyways, if the swelling is on the other side it indicates the eruption of wisdom tooth and it is often associated with pain and pressure.
The overlying mucosa shows inflammation as the area is difficult to clean,it may even undergo infection and
abscess formation due to lodgement of food and other debris, this is called
pericoronitis. yes oral rinsing with lukewarm saline water or antiseptic mouthwash will help in subsiding symptoms.
this pericoronal flap can be excised to reduce inflammation and gum pocket and expose the tooth by a
x ray examination will confirm the position of wisdom tooth if its impacted ,you can go for surgical removal.
If you have got swelling on the extraction site , it indicates infection may be due to presence of remnants ,get a x ray done and confirm it visiting a dentist.
i hope this helps .
take care