THE RESULT KUB ULTTRASOUND: The kidney are normal in size and echotexture, with good cortico-medullary defferentation. the right kidney measure 10.5 x 4.9 cm, with a cortical thickness of 1.3 cm. the left kidney measure 11.5 x 4.9 cm, with a cortical thickness of 1.1 cm there is moderate dilatation of the left pelvocalyceal system and visualized left proximal ureter. The right pelvocalyceal structure are intact, there is small exophytic cyst in the inferior pole of the right kidney measure 2.62 cm in diameter. No lithiases or solid masss demonstrated. the right ureter is not dilated. The urinary bladder is minimally-filled with no intraluminal echoes. Prevoid urine volume: 10cc IMPRESSION: MODERATE URETEROPELVOCALIECTASIA, LEFT - SUGGEST CT STONOGRAM SMALL RENAL CORTICAL CYST, RIGHT KIDNEY What is the possible treatment to cure my blood in urine?