My surgery is set for tomorrow morning at 7:30am, have to be at St John, Macomb by 5:30am :( Very nervous right now. My surgery will be done by the da Vinci! never had a robot do a surgery on me, I am aware that the the robot arms are directed by the doctors hands. I was told that they will be shaving me? I have a preicing on my clortis ( spelled wrong). I wondering if I should take it out post ob? I have had the priecing there since 2001. It s very hard to get the dumpbell out and back in? I have never removed it in 12 yrs. I understand that there will be two cuts to the right and left of my bellybotton. There would also be another cut around my bellybotton. The only thing coming out is my uterus , so it will be a partial hystereectomy? Is there anything you can say to make me feel a little better about this surgery? I have Aspergers so my sentence may sound very random, very sorry for this.