my penis glan used to be really smooth and nice but weeks after chlamydia infection, even after i was cured, my penis glan remains wrinkled, dry and slightly red (no pain or any discomfort). Likewise, I have been to a few docs and they told me its normal but to me i know it's not since I have been looking at my penis for the last 25 yrs.. nw im pretty helpless... any update from you would be great! Thanks!
In addition, sometimes when i urine i still experience a weird but not burning sensation inside and ard my urethra and bladder region. Also, I have not been feeling well ever since... my body is aching all the time and my neck is stiff whereby there are a lot of cacking sound when i move or stretch it. I feel restless and my joints are also weaker. I also experienced discomfort ard my throat region