Hello doctor, the following are the results of my X-ray and utz:
LSXray- lumbar instability
KUB- 3 cysts on the left kidney, 1 on the right
Transv utz- All normal except for Nabothian cyst. Cervix is normal with homogeneous echopattern. an anechoic lesion measuring 0.8×0.7×0.7 cm (vol=0.21 cc) is seen within.
Pap smear – moderate inflammation, Organism- consistent with Candida spp.
I wanted to freak out because I thought having candida means having std,
What meds can I buy over the counter? My schedule of going back to the OB is 3 days from now, for the mean time, what can you suggest, my husband and I just had sex 2 days before I found out bout the candida.. Does this mean he is also infected?
Other than using tampons, lubricant gel, douching, re- current UTI, can it be caused by having diabetes insipidus?
I am hoping my questions will be answered,
I'm getting more paranoid everyday.. Thank you so much
Sincerely, Mar