I had unprotected sex 8 days ago, baby oil was used as lube, noticed "yeast infection" symptoms the following day. Started diflucan then a second round of diflucan and Mobistar 1 a few days later. Itchiness subsided, red sore appeared on opening of vagina. No pain during urination. Have Crohns diseas and have recently had flare up so have been having excessive bowel movements during this time period. Developed an itchy rash on buttock, figured it was due to constant wiping. Went to gyne and was told it looked like hsv. Now vaginal sore has turned white/yellow. Was swabbed for std's and blood tested as well, waiting for results. Is it possible that this sore is due to a dry vagina and friction and rash on buttocks is from continuous bowel movements or do you think I have hsv. Partner tested a few months ago and was negative.