hello madam!
Inverted nipple, discharge in it, orange peel skin( A Classic Sign Name PAEU DE ORANGE), i am afraid these are the bad omens and i suspect malignancy.
Breast cancer. let me ask you more
-is the size and shape of your breast changed or any asymmetry?
-is the skin dimpled, thick, or red?
-is there blood in nipple discharge?
-can you see the dilated veins ?
-is there a hard lump you can feel?
-is there nodule like patterns there?
-check your arm pits. can you see any nodules palpable?
-does you have back ache or any other bone pain?
-are you jauindiced?
-do you get headeches?
-is there a difficulty breathing?
Mam if there are some even amongst above narrated you need to hurry to a surgeon.
its a breast cancer and needs a proper follow up and check up and needs to be graded and planned,
Do the folowing test
1. A MAmmogram
Ultrasound 3.MRI
4.Technitium 99 scan ,sesatimibi scan/tetrofosmin/ diphosphonate
5.FDG-PET scan with a CT
6.VACNB (Vacuum Assisted Core Needle
Biopsy) if failed then
7.Excisional biopsy. and send a specimen for histopathology and ask for ER/ PR/ HER2 Neu receptos study
if it is stage 1 and 2 surgery will help followed by chemo and radio
if its stage three , surgery will be preceded by chemo radio to shrink the mass and then surgery.
if stage four and metastatic then i am afraid we will be hand tied but i am sure it wont be that.
your breast would be needed to removed along with your arm pit cleaning.
there are
plastic surgery reconstruction you wont even notice any change in your female beauty.
I will pray for you.but you need to hurry. i will be here for you if you need me any how
Dr shafi ullah khan
My Patient is my family