Yes actually. I took macobid for uti for five days and took it against my better judgement. reading the possible side effects relating particularly to neuropathy which I have but was minor at this point in time and lung, breathing difficulties. I have very minor asthma. I DID have shortness of breath issues but following aortic replacement for aneurysm at Duke last August 31, that all happily went away. But pretty soon after taking macrobid I began getting severe neuropathy in my right foot/leg. And more alarming shortness of breath, could not take walks with such vigor as I had done in heart re-hab and hiking with my husband. The foot is quite a bit bettter after taking the macrobid for that 5 days (Jan 13 through 18th), but the breathing upon any kind of exertion is not. Around Jan i I got the flu but this breathing effect was not happening to my knowledge then, although I was not hiking, I did get out walking and into rehab and seemed fine prior to the macrobid. I cannot imagine what else this could be. But it is quite discouraging. Can I expect this shortness of breath to get better as it was post heart surgery? Is there any specific info on this side effect and chances of recovery? I had hoped to hike So. Oregon mountains this Summer to celebrate my repaired heart. Thanks for responding. I hope you can look into this for me. I know your page on this drug says reactions are reversible with cessation of therpay. I just do not see it yet, 10 days later. Thanks! Lynn Whipp