Yes, thank you....I had a goiter on my neck removed a few years ago, along with half my thyroid. My test results came back as my thyroid was functioning normally. Ever since I went on Seroquel for Bi-polor nothing has been the same,. I have always been thin, but I gained 46 lbs in about a year and a half....I have lost most of it, and of course went off the Seroquel....I have many of the symptoms of Hypothyroidism, including slow metabolism, always tired, loss of some head hair and dry skin. I simply do not feel like myself for about 6 years now, since going off the Seroquel, which also gave me very abnormal glucose levels, cholesterol and cataract, none of which I had before.these all went away when I went off the Seroquel..All my thyroid tests still come back normal, but I feel my thyroid is not working normally. To be still 20 pounds over my normal weight and I do not eat much, but a very healthy diet is disturbing to me..Is there a test that can be more accurate than the usual tests....? Thank you, Rhonda