fatigue..maybe due to frequent urination through the night...fro a few years...I go to doctor...I think its Uti..it test negative but always has slight blood in urine....doc keeps sending me away so I dropped him finally. since 40 I have had extreme anxiety and when under pressure with offensive people I get very angry. so doctor and hubby said ibi polar. ...took dif meds for 8 years non ever worked...got specialist pyshcologist--specializes in bi polar and adhd. who finally said not bi polar. aniexty high always as if my nerves are just shot,cant sleep,well get woke up peeing 10-15 times in the night now for 5 years approx. now a days I haven't any energy at all..been that way last year or two but last year and now the present is no energy to do anything...I get a window in the morn of a few hours but not active anymore at all. mentally not depressed though this whole thing is getting to me. I even started seeing therapist for emotional basics but not any cause of anything. ....I saw list of pre diabetes--namely the urination,thin nails for years..since 40,last few years high cholestral but that doc said ok since my good cholestral so high,never high blood sugar but one time at dif doc 1-2 yrs ago..was 107 and made my doc give me the test that checks 4 months of sugar but it was fine....sorry cant sleep tonite....also was looking very good for my age but suddenly face has fallen..kind of weird since I don't think that happens to people overnight. I give up...also the urination problem did hit a bit of cloudiness,a slight occasional smell,and really freq...some of that could be stressing about it bc after that diabetes test I relaxed some....is there a dif between pre diabetesand diabetes? I mean could a test be hide something....I have had thyroid checks in past 8 yrs but nothing. I recently heard they can be false...that's all I got