for the last 7 years i always have slightly numbness and always felt tired in my right side of my body from head to toe. someone game me an advise may chirophrator can hel. so i have been going to the chiroprator from time to time when i feel there is some numbness. it sort of help me.
But then everseen i was seeing the chiropractor, i have been experiencing pain in my left lower gum which i thought it was the tooth giving me problem for 3 years i have been going back and forth to my primary dentist and also seek anothe opinion from other dentist which dintist did tooth filling and still feel the same pain. then my primary dentist refered me to a periodontist which he did a gum surgery since he said there was a gap between the tooth 19 and 18, after the surgery health the pain was still there. on June 8, 15, i had an extreme excruciating, stabbing electric pain in my left lower gum and face which forced me to have the surgeon extract the tooth because i thought the tooth was the one causing pain, but i was wrong. My primary dentist said maybe i am seffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia so i went to a Neorologist and had me tried deffirent kinds of medicine the will work for me without a severe side effect. as of now i am taking in a very high doze of Gabapentin 2,100/mg/day and on top of that i am taking 50mg amitriptylin. these meds are causing me side effect. it make me gain wieght, insomia, worse vision, musle soreness and for few months i have been feeling numbness, pins and niddles in my right arm to fingertips, sometimes in my right big toe.
From time to time my left chest have pain it goes away when i exhale and inhale hard and drink lots of water. So, i am very confused right now, it make me really worried that the medsis sorth of numbing my trigeminal Neoralgia but aslo killing me 10X and make me suffered from everything causing me all these problem