hello, I have a left blocked fallopiantube with fluid which is swollen, and a cyst of 3cm on left ovary. Suggestion by the OB GYN is to remove the tubes through laproscopic surgery. However, I need to undergo a colonoscopy due to the polyps that showed on my colon during MRI of the pelvic area. I have had multiple colposcopies of cervix due to abnormal paps, so my OB GYN is suggesting getting out a part of the cervix during the surgery too (LEEP)
Will I continue to get my period after removal of tubes? I have been already having missed periods, past few months. I know i wont be able to conceive, but the decision is whether to go through a laprsocpic for a partial removal of tubes and cevix, or do complete hysterectomy. Any suggestions? I am 41 years old and DO not want any more kids. Thanks!