hello sir,i have previously consulted u through this site for my baby's constipation.she is 2 and half months old now.u have told me that it is not constipation and it is common for babies for 5-7 days.so i have waited last week for 7 days to see whether she passes stools within 7 days.she has passed stools on the 7 th day.but she didnot empty her bowel...she was passing flatus with foul smell.On the 8th day,we gave lactulose.on the 9 th day my husband who is pulmonologist gave her normal saline..still she didnt pass stools.so next day he gave enema...she then passed stools with very much straining and crying...she passed very large amount of stools....we consulted about 7 doctors till now...but our problem is not solved... in the last one month,we have given her enema 3 times... after episode of 2nd enema,peadiatrician prescribed us prebiotics sachets...i have given half packet once a day for abuot 4 days..she then passed stools 3 times daily in that 4 days...later even though i was giving prebiotics,she didnt pass her stools..so enema was given on the 10 th day as i have told u above... dis is to remind u that her thyroid profile was normal.and one more thing sir,i am worried about my breastfeeding that whether milk is sufficient to her or not..my menstruation started last week.is dis anyway related to her present condition?please help us to get out of this problem sir...