hello sir,plz help me.....i am 29 yrs old man from odisha,India,i had multiple gaysex partners(MSM) for last 2 years with and without condomes,but no sexual relation with any girl,i had anal warts started in around january 2015 which was diagnosed in december 2015 as initially i thought it as piles.But before this in september 2015 i found a single painless sore on my penis and went to the doctor,advised for vdrl and hiv test ,result-vdrl reactive but hiv non-reactive,i was relasked and taken the full course of doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 15 days along with a single tablet of ceftriaxone 2mg(don't remember exactly),then in october i had fungal infection in my penis taken fluconazole tablet and got cured and in december after 3 months got tested again for RPR and HIV ,result were both non-reactive,so i was very relasked ,but now in january 2016 i have discomfort on my both feet.........am i hiv free or not?Is my discomfort on foot because of HIV or any other STI like genital warts?My ESR is 05(normal) in january 2016.