hi I am someone on methadone .I have been on methadone four over 10 years am first nations (.I had been given ciraquil to help me sleep ,I have a hard time sleeping and I get restless feet .I was on 50 mills of methadone and went down to a really low dose .After awhile I could not sleep I think I was building a tolerance to pills ,So I asked my methadone doctor for a different prescription .He gave me Trazodone .But this same thing happened ,So I asked for something else .This is how I got gabapentin and doxepin I missed for a couple days before Christmas and I noticed a few things ,So I decided to look up these pills effects. these are terrible pills so I gave them back to pharmacy and am taking 1 trazodone at night ,I got a prescription from my doctor last Tuesday for Dimenhydrnate or Gravel because I was waking up
with upset stomach I am thinking clearer now no haze and I thought yesterday Saturday the 2nd that maybe it was because I got a root canal done last spring.my band would not cover this and the dentist figured that they would give me temporary filling .Well l that has fallen out and my tooth along with another were rotten so I went to dentist yesterday and had them removed .I now have amoxicillin for my teeth and t3s,3 a day for a week .My methadone doctor told me I should get a regular GP a while ago but I did not ,Now I know that this is important I asked my pharmacy since it was holidays most places closed until this Tuesday the 5th.could anyone recommend a GP for me to go to male please since I am male and that's all I have ever had for a doctor r.I live by St Catherines and east Broadway. in Vancouver B.C I have closed my Facebook or am trying to and my live account so can you please email me at YYYY@YYYY this is my spouses email .if this does not work I also work 1 day a week Thursday afternoon at the Robertlily harm reduction kiosk 604 675 3980 V.C.H Peter Dombrosky I have asked the secretary at my methadone doctor to go up to !5 Mls or1,5 of Methadose Would like to know what would help me sleep with out being groggy when I awake .Because I don't want to keep spouse awake ,I usually go to the living room and try to relax and watch Tv at night so she can sleep .I am a drug user and am embaressed to say this but I am trying to work on my problems one day at a time. thank you Peter Dombrosky .I have not even used the internet that much and did not know about the spell check .
sorry I am on welfare no money I just need a gp