hi, I have numbness for the last couple of days on the right side abdomen area, in what I call my muffin top! there is mild burning every now & then, tingling most all the time that feels like something is crawling & I feel like I need to scratch, there is no rash or fever or swelling that is noticeable, I have pressed around and feel nothing abnormal. I am not one to ever be sick. I am 53, female, I had a total hysterectomy years ago and never have a need to go to a doctor. I am a big girl, 220 lbs 5 ft 7 in. but I care my weight well & work all the time, very active. I have put on some weight during the holidays. Could my pants waist band being tighter than usual put any kind of pressure on a nerve? I wear yoga pants everyday, I own a tanning salon and I clean beds and run all day. Being self employed I do not have insurance & would like your opinion.