hi doctor.am 27 yrs old,and my husband is also 27 yrs old,and we are married since jan2013.we have been trying for baby since 4 months.i have been diagnosed to have pcos in sep 2014.but the blood inv like,fsh,lh,prolactin done tat time on day 2 of my mensus was normal.tried ovulation induction(tab.clomiphene citrate) in feb and march 2014.which didn't help.we have been trying with follicular monitoring in oct and nov 2015 (ovulation occurred spontaneously on day 14 ,30 days cycle)didn't come out positive.jan 2016 was anovulatory(follicular monitoring)so,in feb 2016 tried with tab.clomiphene citrate100 mg from day3 to day7.had tab progynova 3 mg a day from day8 for 7days.and had tab.duphaston 10mg after ovulation for 12 days.checked beta hcg 14 days after ovulation which was less than1.2.also got spotting from 23.2.16 till now.no fresh bleeding is happening,just scanty dark coloured spotting is happening.consulted my gynae,and was told tat it was because of progynova and duphaston.so doc advised to take clomiphene from today(day 3)100 mg for 7 days.
note;my recent blood tests thyroid lh fsh prolactin fasting insulin free testosterone were all normal.except multiple small follicles noted everytime.no investigations has been done so far for my husband.since married I had oral contraceptive pills for 4 months initially.after tat v were not using any contraceptive methods.my cycles were regular 5-7 days flow every 28-30 days in 2013.since 2014 have been having delayed cycles not every month,three times a year in 2014 and 2015.no significant medical history in both of us.except tat both of our parents are having diabetes.and my weight is 63kgs.height 160cm.my husband is overweight by 10-12 kgs.please give your suggestion..thanks