in 1998 c5,c6 were plated and fused,then 2003 all work was redone c5,c6,c7 due rejection of donor all work was done overwith my bone.but at the sametime I was havin pain in my right elbow. the ortho doc just felt and looked,no blood test or xrays in08. the doc said the muscle was wore out due work I did for a living.36 week my left elbow was in the same shape.pain pills and cort injectin was the treatment I got in2015 a neurology office did blood test and nerve conduction test, my b12 count 236 and nerve test showed allot of never damage. no both elbows,the bone are at the skin due the wasting in .my I cant pet my small dog for 1 or 2 min, before my arms start hurtin and forget play playstation. is this this due nerve death from b12 def.