Hello. I woke up last night, because I wasn t breathing. This has happened to me a few times in the last couple months, but it was never a big deal i just went back to sleep and every thing was ok. This time I woke up and it felt like I wasn t getting enough oxygen, I was kind of hyperventilating my heart was beating very fast and my whole body was shaking! I went to the emergency room and they took my ekg and a chest x-ray but everything was normal. I felt like that for about 4 hours, And then today in the middle of the day I got that feeling again 3 times. I am so freaked out. Especially because the doctors don t know what it could be. I keep telling my self that I am ok and it might be in my head, but I was busy and my mind was somewhere completely else and it started happening. Can somebody tell me what that could be, or how to make breathing easier when it happenes again???