I have gone through your query and understand your concern.
I suspect you are suffering from
Pelvic inflammatory disease.
Because of vague symptoms,Pelvic inflammatory disease often goes unrecognized by women and their treating physicians.
Women who have symptoms of Pelvic inflammatory disease most commonly have lower
abdominal pain.
Another important feature of PID is unusual abnormal
vaginal discharge.
PID is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are often subtle and mild.
Because there are no precise tests for PID, a diagnosis is usually based on clinical findings.
One of the main complication of PID is permanent damage to reproductive organs like Fallopian tubes.
Thus early treatment is necessary to avoid further damage to reproductive organs.
As i already said, Pelvic inflammatory disease is difficult to diagnose.
But proper examination and investigation really helps.
Please do pelvic
If it is normal, then go for Diagnostic laproscopy procedure.
Pelvic inflammatory disease can be cured by multiple antibiotics.
Because of the difficulty in identifying organisms infecting the internal reproductive organs and because more than one organism may be responsible for an episode of PID, PID is usually treated with at least two antibiotics that are effective against a wide range of infectious agents.
If you delay the treatment, you will more likely is to become infertile or to have a future ectopic
pregnancy because of damage to the Fallopian tubes.
These symptoms may go away before the infection is cured.
Even if symptoms go away, you should finish taking all of the prescribed medicine.
This will help prevent the infection from returning.
Hope this helps.
Please write back for further queries.
Wishing you good health.