Hello I have been fighting this condition for coming on 3 years and we are still trying to figure it out. It started with a pain in my left side, it has since progressed to bone pain, severe abdominal pain off and on (always painful, not always severe. And I mean severe as in all I can do is sit and cry from the pain. It makes me nauseous. And can shoot through to my back and up into shoulders. Loss of appetite, skin easily breaks and bleeds. I have low grade fevers at times and have moderate to severe fatigue. Lymph nodes are also swollen.
I have had thousands of dollars worth of tests. I know I have a swollen spleen and enlarged liver. Was recently diagnosed with Nash but was told it ahod not be causing these symptoms. I have been refered on to hematology/oncology but have not been told what they are thinking.
Please this has been going on long enough. I miss work on days when the pain get severe and they will joy prescribe anything because they do not know what we are dealing with. I tested negative for HIV, negative chrons, not allergic to gluten or lactose. No mono.
Any help you can give is greatly appreciated!