► My current age is 15 years 9 Months.
► I am suffered from strange set of psychological symptoms
► When I was, Age (8-12)
Imaginary world-> I had created a imaginary world and one of my childhood friend also played some role in it.
Study -> When I study, I do not study like other students, I imagined myself a teacher and act like I am teaching imaginary
students, in this way I study. sometime I imagined that a imaginary teacher is teaching me.
T.V. showing-> I had created a imaginary world and T.V. channel . When I was alone, I locked the door and start telecasting my
T.V. channel by doing acting myself. In this way I used to show some serial program to imaginary audience. The serial program
was story related with my imaginary country, and I continued it from the point where I had left.
Talking while eating -> When I take diet, mostly I imagined some character from my imaginary world and start talking with them
on various topics related with my imaginary world.
Traveling on trains -> When I travelled in train, I cut myself from real world and imagined my self as I am traveling in the train of
my imaginary world. I started to play all the things associated with this scene in my mind.
Celebrating festival -> When Durga Puja come, I along with one friend used to create my own puja pandal and do worship in
organised way.
Hosting Flag -> I hosted flag on republic/independence day.
My own festival -> I had created festival of my imaginary country and used to celebrate it on weekends.
► But, I left these things at about age 12, and no more I want to these things, But from there I experience following symptoms (from age 12- till date/15.6 year)
► Study -> Find difficult in study alone in manner as other students study. I create my detailed studied program but not in a manner as other students do but in a manner as a institution design details program for their students.
►T.V. watching -> I hate watching T.V. as it give me reminder of the time I used to telecast my own T.V. channel.
School -> I find these place highly distressing as it remind my own school which I used to operate in my imaginary world.
► I am struggling in mind to forget about my imaginary world but in my subconscious mind the feelings and experience of imaginary world still active which impaired the perception of the real world.
► No more I am interested to play that game
► It seem that there two different identities has been created in my brain, one real identities and one from my imaginary world.
► As experience of both the world has been so intermixed that it cannot be separated.
► I cannot focus on my study.
► have few friend
► Known for short temper in my class
► When I see any student of my age-group and compare myself with him, I get extreme headache. As I think why only I have this problem?
► I am pre-occupied with these feelings and want to get rid of it.
► I look and behave very normal and no one from my family know I have such symptom.
If, a boy who has attended complete puberty and going to complete the age 16 in few months and experience such symptom, you can understand how much distress it causes to him in daily life.
Now, address my following issue:
1. Do I need CT scan of brain? Do you suspect any structural abnormality in my brain?
2. Do I need medication?
3. Will my problem resolved when my brain fully mature later in life without treatment?
4. Should I consult psychiatrist or psychologist ?
5. Which will be more beneficial Psychotherapy or Medication?